The Fool's Laughter:
Humor as a Creative Act
with Giuliana Rizzo
Thursday, March 31, 2022
7 pm - 8:30 pm, Eastern Time (USA), on Zoom
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Program Cost: $25
“The Fool as an invitation to a renewed and widened view of the world.”
The Fool is an ancient figure who invites us to consider the space of incongruity and change. The Fool is always an outsider, but also a jester, surprising us with the purpose of laughter and a renewed and widened view of the world around us.
In this course, we will explore the Fool as a personification of art, as a breaker of norms, and as an inspiration for a better understanding of the world.
Who Is It For
For people interested in the discussion of archetypes and their influence on the individual and society
For people interested in medieval and Renaissance literature and its connection with the Carnivalesque
For people interested in the dynamics and purpose of humor
Your Instructor
Giuliana Rizzo, MA, is a native Italian from Venice, one of the cities of Carnival. Giuliana has a Master's Degree in British Literature and a visceral love and interest for Jungian theory, explored in three years of Jungian Studies seminars at the Jungian Society of Washington.
“Giuliana is an insightful, warm and knowledgeable conveyor of Jungian thought.
— Alexandra Far
Thursday, March 31, 2022
7 pm - 8:30 pm, Eastern Time (USA), on Zoom
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This Program Not Be Recorded.
The recording link will be sent to you within 72 hours after the live event.
Program Cost: $25
What You Will Learn
What is the Fool Archetype
The incarnations of the Fool in history and literature
The differences between the archetype of the Fool and the Trickster
The themes of medieval Carnival and the spirit of the Carnivalesque (referencing M. Bakhtin's literary theory)
Perspectives on laughter as a creative act and as a tool to understand reality
“Bringing creative perspectives from a wide range of literature, art, and music.”
Giuliana Rizzo is an extremely nuanced and literate reader of Jung, bringing novel and creative perspectives from a wide range of literature, art and music. She is always open to a diversity of opinions, seeing in differences opportunities to enhance, rather than detract from, her given viewpoint.
— John Boronow, Jungian Studies Reading Seminar
“…a fresh, creative voice in the world of Jungian studies.”
Giuliana is a fresh, creative voice in the world of Jungian studies. Her perspectives and manner of presentation enliven, challenge, and surprise. I have shared Giuliana's work in my own classes, much to the amused enlightenment of my students.
— Mark Napack, MA, STL, MS, Jungian Psychotherapist and Instructor at the Jung Society of Washington
Thursday, March 31, 2022
7 pm - 8:30 pm, Eastern Time (USA), on Zoom
Please convert to your Time Zone
This Program Not Be Recorded.
Program Cost: $25