Stones of the World

with Cyndera Quackenbush


Saturday, May 7, 2022
12 pm - 2 pm EST (Eastern Time, USA), on Zoom
Please convert to your Time Zone
This Program Will Be Recorded.

The recording link will be sent to you within 72 hours after the live program.
Program Cost: $30


“… a delightful tour throughout the continents' ancient cultures and landscapes.”

When you look closely at the human relationship with stone throughout the ancient world, the stones often speak, dance, and divine.

With a delightful tour throughout the continents' ancient cultures and landscapes, Cyndera Quackenbush reveals this connection with stone, specifically highlighting how stones have been believed "to speak" to humans in various ways.

You will travel to times when the ancient ones were listening, and the inanimate earth was alive with relationship. Stones have provided a connection to the Earth's story, the realm of the gods, and the ancestors. Stones have told stories of the past and revealed the future.

When significant stones and other aspects of the land are surrounded with beliefs and stories, meaningful bonds are forged between the people and the land. How might these ancient perspectives shape our relationship with the Earth today?


 Who Is It For

  • Anyone interested in stones, mythology, fairy tales, anthropology, psychology & nature

  • Therapists and counselors

  • Anyone in interested in earth-related topics


Your Instructor


Cyndera Quackenbush, MA, is the creator of the Story Through Stone cards and practice. As a talented Intuitive Storyteller, Cyndera facilitates workshops in California and internationally on the topics of Therapeutic Use of Card Imagery and Archetypes and also on Awakening the Animistic Imagination. She is a Depth Psychology alumna of Pacifica Graduate Institute whose mission remains, “tending the soul of and in the world."

As a writer, educator, and social-emotional mentor for children and adults in the Bay Area, Cyndera has found her bliss in helping others to uncover their purpose and path with imaginative play. She is also a certified Card Reader through Biddy Tarot and has been the host of the Archetypal Tarot Podcast for almost ten years, with over 100,000 followers. Cyndera has a chapter to be published in a collection of Nature Play Therapy by Routledge in 2022.


“Thank you Cyndera for opening my eyes to the wonder of living stones. After the class, I began scouring my property in Yucatan and discovered umpteen carved stones. I am setting up a stone altar beneath a Ceiba tree which was the most sacred tree to the ancient Mayans and still is. It is an exciting adventure for me.”

— Josephine Corning | Workshop Participant

 What You Will Learn

  • How “Storytelling Stones” are present across the world in different cultural contexts

  • How stones have been regarded as ancestors in ancient times

  • Stories of famous spirits trapped in stone (such as Merlin)

  • How different Shamanic states of consciousness contribute to seeing and speaking to a world alive (including stones)

  • As the bones of the earth, stones reveal personal as well as collective memories of purpose

  • How stones are lively features of storied landscapes, impacting the human relationship to the natural world

 “The presentation started my romance with stone.”

“The presentation started my romance with stone. Soon the love will get reflected in my images and paintings on canvas. Now I relate to images of stone as archetypes of connection to the earth energies in the ground of our own beings. A new love for me and something to endear. The talk did it. Go stones.”

— N. K. | Workshop Participant

“an amazing way to connect the dreamscape with my current life…”

This method is an amazing way to connect the dreamscape with my current life both metaphorically and literally. The things I found really helpful: having my story reflected back to me, taking the time to visualize important aspects of the story, and exploring all symbols before analyzing for meaning.

— T.S. | Workshop Participant

Saturday, May 7, 2022
12 pm - 2 pm EST (Eastern Time, USA), on Zoom
Please convert to your Time Zone
This Program Will Be Recorded.

The recording link will be sent to you within 72 hours after the live program.
Program Cost: $30