SoulAtPlay Hour


12PM- 1PM Eastern Time (New York)
Please convert to your Time Zone

FREE. This Program Won’t Be Recorded.

You don't need to register.
Just mark your calendar and watch for an email with a Zoom link
and the subject line [SoulAtPlay Hour].

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How it works

  • 12 pm sharp Eastern Teme (New York) - SoulAtPlay Zoom room opens.

  • We briefly share what each of us intends to work on during this hour.

  • We’ll do a 3 minute meditation.

  • We will work with your camera on or off.

  • 12:50 pm we’ll briefly share our progress.

  • 1 pm sharp the Zoom room will close.


What can you do during your
SoulAtPlay Hour

  • doing SoulAtPlay Prompts for the week (will be provided)

  • journaling

  • writing down and exploring your dreams

  • doing creative imagination

  • catching up with your SoulAtPlay course materials

  • doing spontaneous drawing

  • working on your creative project

  • writing poetry

  • dancing

  • making art

  • playing music

  • writing

  • and feeding your Soul in any other delicious way.


Your Host - Oxana Holtmann

  • A Jungian coach helping with intimacy, creativity, and abundance issues through working with fantasies, dreams, and imagination to reconnect you with your core energies.

  • The Founder of the educational platform SoulAtPlay.

  • Graduate degree candidate in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.


“It was very productive for me.”

I was surprised at how focused I was even though none of you could see what I was doing, so in a sense there was no pressure on me to do anything, and yet i got a lot done! So I definitely will plan on doing it again.  Thanks for holding the space.

– Participant

“I still have colors on my fingers.”

Thank you for creating this space for us all today. It was a great experience, I enjoyed it a lot and still have color on my fingers, haha. Hope we can repeat it next time as well, I'll definitely join again.

– Participant

“It's a great idea to share the same time and space.”

It made me feel that what I do is not so strange (I'm not in contact with many people who dedicate their lives to creative/art projects, yet I've been doing this non-stop since about age 15). So it was really great.

– Participant

12PM- 1PM Eastern Time (New York)
Please convert to your Time Zone

This Program Won’t Be Recorded.

You don't need to register.
Just mark your calendar and watch for an email with a Zoom link
and the subject line [SoulAtPlay Hour].

If you are not subscribed to receive our emails,
click on the button below and be the first to get valuable updates.