Sandplay to Cultivate the Soul


What is the Jungian Sandplay method? In this presentation, Barbara Turner, the founder of the Association for Sandplay Therapy, will introduce you to Sandplay and its three roots – Lowenfeld’s World Technique, Jungian psychology & Eastern philosophy. You will learn how Sandplay works to move the psyche to overcome conflicts, trauma, and loss; and how it re-aligns the psyche to our wholeness - the Self, the soul.


 Who Is It For

  • For people interested in how Sandplay is used as a powerful tool of self-discovery.

  • For therapists who would like to add the Sandpaly method to verbal therapy.

  • For potential clients to learn about how the Sandplay method works.


Your Instructor


Barbara Turner

Barbara Turner began her study of Jungian Sandplay therapy with the founder of the method, Dora M. Kalff, in Switzerland in 1988 and focused her doctoral studies on the Sandplay method.

Dr. Turner was instrumental in returning the classic books in Sandplay to print and is the author of The Handbook of Sandplay Therapy, now translated into Korean, Chinese, Russian and Italian.

Barbara Turner teaches Sandplay therapy to mental health clinicians internationally. She has co-authored with Dr. Kristín Unnsteinsdóttir, Sandplay and Storytelling, as well as Sandtray Play in Education. She is also the chief editor of The Routledge International Handbook of Sandplay Therapy.

Dr. Turner is the founder of the Association for Sandplay Therapy – AST, the international professional organization dedicated to maintaining the core principles of Sandplay in our work and teaching – clarity, loving-kindness & humility.


From my perspective, Dr. Turner is the foremost authority on Sandplay since Dora Kalff.

Prof. Victoria Fritton

Thursday, September 30, 2021
12:00 PM - 2 PM New York,
9:00 AM Los Angeles, 5:00 PM London
Location: Zoom
Price: $40

 What You Will Learn

  • What Sandplay is and what it does.

  • Origins and development of Sandplay.

  • Three roots – Lowenfeld’s World Technique, Jungian psychology, and Eastern philosophy.

  • Differences between Sandplay, verbal-rational therapies, and dream work.

  • Review of a Sandplay case.

 “…a dynamic, engaging teacher...”

Dr. Turner is a dynamic, engaging teacher who takes difficult Jungian Sandplay concepts and breaks them down for her students. She wants participants to really know and understand the process of Sandplay so they can provide the best temenos for clients. Dr. Turner presents webinars for us at Play Therapy Training Institute of Wyoming and has the highest return registration rate of any of our presenters; clearly, she is among the top Sandplay teachers domestically and internationally. Having worked with Dr. Turner as both a student and teaching colleague, I cannot recommend her highly enough. 

Rose M. Harriet, LPC, RPT-S, STR-CT

“…thank you for sharing your wisdom.”

I am enjoying the class, thank you for sharing your wisdom. It is a pleasure to be in a situation where there is an openness to a variety of opinions and still structure and form. 

Arnell Etherington Reader, PhD

“…helped me to grow as a Sandplay therapist.”

Participating in Sandplay Therapy training is the best investment that I have ever made. The Sandplay Therapy course has helped me to grow as a Sandplay therapist. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and please continue with the great work.

Stepan Khanoyan, MD

Thursday, September 30, 2021
12:00 PM - 2 PM New York,
9:00 AM Los Angeles, 5:00 PM London
Location: Zoom
Price: $40