
Facing and Finding Yourself

90-min presentation, on Zoom


“…weaves fairytales and myths into the modern fabric of what it means to be a mother today.”

Motherhood is the true hero's journey - which is to say that it can be as harrowing as it is joyful, and enlightening as it is exhausting. For Jungian psychoanalyst Lisa Marchiano, this journey is not just an adventure of diaper bags and parent-teacher conferences, but one of intense self-discovery.

In this presentation, Lisa Marchiano draws from a deep well of Jungian analysis and symbolic research to present a collection of fairytales, myths, and fables that evoke the spiritual arc of raising a child from infancy through adulthood. Based on Lisa’s newest book (May 2021 publication) titled, MOTHERHOOD: Facing and Finding Yourself.


Aug 19, 2021
4:30 PM Los Angeles, 7:30 PM New York
Registration: $35


Your Instructor


Lisa Marchiano, LCSW, is a writer and certified Jungian analyst in private practice in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. She received her MSW from New York University and completed analytic training at the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts. Lisa is on the faculty of the Philadelphia Jung Institute. Her writings have appeared in Quillette, the journal Psychological Perspectives and Areo Magazine. She has presented on Jungian topics across the US as well as in Europe. Lisa also podcasts on parenting and motherhood at Secrets of the Motherworld and blogs on motherhood at MotherhoodTransformation. Lisa’s newest book (May 2021 publication) titled, MOTHERHOOD: Facing and Finding Yourself, looks at motherhood as a catalyst for tremendous personal growth.



What People Are Saying


The central “well” metaphor explained in Motherhood, symbolizing the journey a mother must take, is a wonderful reminder of not only the deep demands placed upon a woman with her own needs but also her profound resources upon which to draw.

— James Hollis, Ph.D. | Jungian Analyst, author

A beautiful, thoughtful look into how mothers grow up and into themselves along with their children.

— Briana Soussy | Author of Making Magic


You Will Learn

  • How the challenges of motherhood send you on journeys into your innermost source.

  • Understanding how anger, rage, and aggression arise in parental relationships.

  • What are the gifts that we can lay claim to as a result of the psychological growth that motherhood brings.


“…all the joy, rage, and grief of parenthood.”

weaves fairytales and myths into the modern fabric of what it means to be a mother today.”

This book beautifully weaves fairytales and myths into the modern fabric of what it means to be a mother today, from the intense perfection and guilt that mother's deal with due to the cultural expectations as well as what we put on ourselves, to how our own childhood wounds are activated by parenting, and all the joy, rage, and grief of parenthood.

— Alexis Westgren | Reader

Aug 19, 2021
4:30 PM Los Angeles, 7:30 PM New York